About Linda`s new cat hat

I had the idea of this hat haunting me for a long time. Just had [...]

Sissy bunny for the pattern

So here is Sissy bunny – the long waited pattern. It is probably one of [...]


Tiny teddy for Rudy

I made a tiny little teddy bear for my latest boy doll Rudy. Made it [...]

Elma the Elephant

This is Elma, my very first elephant toy. She is carrying my grandma`s name because [...]

Ballerina bunny

Hello! I want to show you the pictures of another Little Ballerina bunny toy which [...]

Safety eyes for amigurumi toys

Let`s talk about safety eyes for toys. These tiny plastic eyes can be used for [...]


Rudy the Redhead – boy doll pattern

Here is the long waited boy doll pattern. He is perfect as a brother to [...]

Ballerina mouse pattern in a new version

Ballerina-mouse is one of my oldest toys. I´ve posted my first ballerina in my old [...]

Little dragon – challenge of the previous week

Yesterday we celebrated our little boys 4th birthday. This amigurumi dragon was a gift for [...]


Bunny, puppy and teddy – “Amigurumi cuties”

These are “Amigurumi cuties” – the new pattern to crochet three aborable softies – bunny, [...]


My first amigurumi pig

Actually this is the second pig, but it`s the developed version of the first one [...]

Funny bunny – free amigurumi pattern

On March I worked on a bunny pattern for publishing in an Estonian magazine writing [...]